January 19, 2009

Heroine of Heroines

Well, no real surprise here! Your favorite Jane Austen heroine is none other, than Miss Elizabeth Bennet. She beat out the Dashwood sisters, Fanny, Emma, Anne, and Catherine. Elizabeth is the second child of the five in the Bennet family, all sisters. She's described as her father's favorite, and undoubtedly ours. She's sensible, intelligent, and quick-witted. She also wins the love of one of literature's greatest heroes, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. Pride and Prejudice has an enormous follwing and has inspired countless unofficial sequels and reinterpretations. Here's a short list of a few that may be worth checking out for a little light reading:

*Mr. Darcy's Diary - Amanda Grange
*The Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman series - Pamela Aidan
*Darcy & Elizabeth - Linda Berdoll
*Mr. Darcy's Daughters - Elizabeth Aston
*Pemberley - Emma Tennant

Those are just a few to get you started. Amazon has great lists outlining more, if you are looking for P&P sequels or retellings. Here are the poll results about your favorite heroine. Please check out my new poll and vote for your favorite historical fiction writer!

Poll Results:
1. Elizabeth Bennet........................27%
2. Marianne Dashwood..................23%
3. Anne Elliot...............................18%
4. Emma Woodhouse.....................14%
5. Elinor Dashwood........................9%
6. Catherine Morland....................5%
7. Fanny Price...............................5%

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